Sneak Peek #2: Craziest Fishing Tale

Excerpt from The Craziest Fishing Tale on the Bayou:


“A streak of lightning lit up the sky, and the silhouette of the shrub became clear, hauntingly clear. I could make out a bulky, shaggy brown thing with two swaggering arms, two stubby legs, a thick torso, a watermelon-sized head, and two yellow, catlike eyes.

It’s exactly what one would expect to see in these parts of the bayou.

It was nothing out of the ordinary.

It was nothing weird at all.

Nothing—except for two spooky, yellow eyes that turned my way.”

All Illustrations: courtesy Sarah Gramelspacher and …  I’m soooo lucky to have her vision in making Hatcher’s world come to life.

As my Gramma used to say “ENJOY  THE RIDE ! ! !”

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